
Serrano Redonnet, Diego


+54 11 4114-3026

Spanish - English - French - Italian - Portuguese


Diego Serrano Redonnet is a business lawyer with more than 30 years of experience in corporate finance, mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures, debt and equity capital markets transactions, project development and finance, private equity and venture capital investments, securitization and structured financial transactions, and debt restructuring.

His practice also includes advice on banking and securities regulation, on corporate governance, and on foreign investments and general corporate law.

His practice is largely international and his industry experience embraces a number of industries including financial services (including fintech), energy (including renewable energy), infrastructure, transportation, construction and engineering, insurance, telecommunications, natural resources, real estate, agribusiness, retail, technology and the public sector (including public-private partnerships).

He has represented a broad range of international and domestic companies, banks and investment funds in some of the most significant transactions done in Argentina.


Diego Serrano Redonnet received his Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree from Harvard Law School in 1996.

He graduated as a lawyer from the Argentine Catholic University in 1990, where he obtained the award for the top graduate of the class. He also pursued postgraduate studies in Political Sciences.

Academic & Professional Experience

Diego Serrano Redonnet is a Partner at PAGBAM since 1994.

He teaches a postgraduate course on Corporate Finance and Capital Markets at the Argentine Catholic University. He has taught graduate courses on Economic and Financial Analysis at the University of Buenos Aires and on Commercial Law, Economic Law, Constitutional Law, and History of Legal and Political Thought at the Argentine Catholic University. He has also been invited to teach in postgraduate courses at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Universidad Austral and Instituto para la Gobernanza Empresarial y Pública.

He is regularly invited as a speaker in domestic and international seminars and congresses, and has also authored several articles on business law. He has also served on the board and audit committees of listed companies.

Admissions & Affiliations

He is admitted to practice both in New York and Argentina.

He is a member of the Committee of Bank Lawyers of Argentina, of the New York State Bar Association and of the Harvard Club of Argentina, where he has served as Vice President.

Mr. Serrano Redonnet has been selected for inclusion in Chambers Latin America: Leading Lawyers for Business as one the best corporate, M&A, private equity, banking and finance lawyers in Argentina. He has been also named as a leading practitioner in The International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers, IFLR 1000, Latin Lawyer 250, The Legal 500, Best Lawyers and in other legal publications.

He is internationally certified in ethics and compliance by the International Federation of Compliance Associations (IFCA) and the Asociación Argentina de Ética y Compliance (AAEC).

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