
13 June 2023

Creation of the new Trust Programme “Fullcredit” and issuance of the first Series under “Fullcredit I”

Argentina’s Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites &; Arntsen has acted as deal counsel in (i) the creation of the new trust securities programme & Fullcredit; for a nominal value of up to US$ 5,000,000 million (US Dollars Five Million) or its equivalent in other currencies on which Fullcredit S.A. acted as Trustor, CFA Compañía Fiduciaria Americana S.A. acted as Trustee and issuer and ARG Capital S.A. acted in its capacity as Arranger (the “Programme”); and (ii) the first issuance under the Programme on which Fullcredit S.A. acted as Trustor and CFA Compañía Fiduciaria Americana S.A. acted as Trustee and issuer of the deal.

ARG Capital S.A acted as arranger in the transaction and Arpenta S.A were the placement agents which closed on 6th, June CFA Compañia Fiduciaria Americana S.A. issued the debt securities in two classes worth a total of ARG $88,663,923 (US$364,122).

The first issuance, consists of present and future credits originated from personal loans granted by the Trustee derived from the personal loans granted by the Trustee.

Deal Counsel

Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites & Arntsen

Partner María Gabriela Grigioni and associates Nahuel Perez de Villarreal, Maria Sol Martinez, Martina Mastandrea and Paralegal Violeta Okretic.

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