About Us
Founded in 1991, Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites & Arntsen (PAGBAM), is a full service law firm specialized in advising local and international companies and entities.
With more than 30 years of experience and solidity in the industry, we offer our clients strategic and innovative solutions to their most complex legal and commercial matters and, at the same time, we provide coordinated legal advice and transactional capability in Argentina, Chile and the rest of Latin America through our offices in Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Uruguay and New York (United States).
We are a multidisciplinary group of lawyers with extensive experience in different areas and industries, which allows us to structure comprehensive and creative solutions according to the needs of our clients.
Since its creation, PAGBAM has been internationally recognized for its expertise in various practices, reflected in the numerous awards granted by specialized publications, which for more than 30 years have placed us among the best law firms in Argentina and the region. PAGBAM was the first Latin American law firm to be selected by Chambers & Partners as the “Latin America Law Firm of the Year”. In 2022, for the fifth consecutive year, it was recognized as an "Elite Firm" by Latin Lawyer.
Equality and Diversity
Since its foundation, PAGBAM is well known by its warm work environment, and the interaction among people from different backgrounds, training and experiences, which allows us to understand the problems of our clients and obtain the best results.
In PAGBAM we apply a strict Equality and Diversity Policy whose aim is to ensure non-discrimination in all its forms, especially for the purposes of the selection, promotion and remuneration of our lawyers and staff.
We also promote a harmonious balance between family, work and personal life. To this end, we implemented a Family Leave Policy designed to adapt to the needs of the members of the Firm, including leaves for maternity, paternity, adoption, fertility treatments and pregnancy loss, as well as remote work after maternity and/or paternity leaves, possibility of part-time work, coverage of daycare costs and lactation space.
Pro Brono Leading Lights 2022
We are proud to be recognised once again by Latin Lawyer for its contribution to strengthening Latin America’s Pro Bono culture.

Pro Brono Leading Lights 2022
We are proud to be recognised once again by Latin Lawyer for its contribution to strengthening Latin America’s Pro Bono culture.
Latin Lawyer Elite Firm 2024
We are proud to be recognised once more by Latin Lawyer as an Elite Firm in Argentina.
"PAGBAM offers the best service to clients with respect to their most significant business transactions, most critical disputes and most challenging legal issues".

Latin Lawyer Elite Firm 2024
We are proud to be recognised for the seventh consecutive year by Latin Lawyer as an Elite Firm in Argentina.
"PAGBAM offers the best service to clients with respect to their most significant business transactions, most critical disputes and most challenging legal issues".
Chambers Global 2023
“PAGBAM is one of the largest and most dynamic full service law firms in Argentina and Latin America. (...)PAGBAM has a market reputation for standing right next to their clients in challenging situations, for having a strong values and an active commitment to the community”

Chambers Global 2023
PAGBAM has been ranked by Chambers & Partners Global for the following practice areas:
- Banking & Finance
- Corporate/M&A
- Dispute Resolution
- Tax
In addition to the practice rankings, the following attorneys were recognized:
- Jorge L. Pérez Alati: Corporate and M&A
- Mariano F. Grondona: Corporate and M&A
- Manuel Benites: Tax
- Diego Serrano Redonnet: Banking & Finance, Corporate and M&A
- Guillermo E. Quiñoa: Dispute Resolution
- Santiago Daireaux: Corporate and M&A
- P. Eugenio Aramburu: Corporate and M&A
- L. Marcelo Núñez: Tax
PAGBAM Schwencke Chile
- Juan Pablo Schwencke: Corporate and M&A
Chambers Latin America 2024
Latin American Firm of the Year
“Full Service Powerhouse”
“PAGBAM consistently ranks among the top law firms in Latin America, both by practice area and in general. PAGBAM is committed to providing legal advice that is insightful and valuable for its clients.”

Chambers Latin America 2024
PAGBAM has been ranked by Chambers & Partners Latin America for the following practice areas:
- Banking & Finance
- Competition/Antitrust
- Consumer Law
- Corporate/M&A
- Dispute Resolution
- Intellectual Property
- International Trade/ WTO
- Labour & Employment
- Real Estate
- Tax
PAGBAM Schwencke Chile
- Corporate/ M&A
In addition to the practice rankings, the following attorneys were recognized:
- Jorge L. Pérez Alati: Corporate and M&A
- Manuel Benites: Tax
- Diego Serrano Redonnet: Banking & Finance; Corporate and M&A
- Guillermo E. Quiñoa: Dispute Resolution; Real Estate
- Santiago Daireaux: Corporate and M&A
- P. Eugenio Aramburu: Corporate and M&A
- Luis D. Barry: Competition & Antitrust; Consumer Law
- L. Marcelo Núñez: Tax
- Lautaro D. Fero: Dispute Resolution
- Enrique Betemps: Labour & Employment
- Julio Lococo: Labour & Employment
- Francisco J. Romano: Energy - Oil & Gas
- Andrés Galíndez: International Trade
- Geraldine Moffat: Labour & Employment
- Fernando Alonso: Intellectual Property
- Julio Lago: Intellectual Property
PAGBAM Schwencke Chile:
- Juan Pablo Schwencke: Corporate and M&A

Legal 500
PAGBAM has been ranked by Legal 500 for the following practice areas:
- Banking & Finance
- Bankruptcy & Restructuring
- Competition & Antitrust
- Compliance
- Consumer Law
- Corporate/M&A
- Dispute Resolution
- Energy: Oil & Gas
- Insurance
- Intellectual Property
- International Trade & Customs
- Labour & Employment
- Public Law
- Real Estate
- Tax
- TMT (Telecoms, Media, Technology)
- Our Environment Department was distinguished as "Firm to watch"
PAGBAM Schwencke Chile
- Corporate/ M&A
- Labour & Employment
- Litigation
- Public Law
- Tax
Leading Lawyers:
- Jorge L. Pérez Alati: Corporate and M&A
- Manuel Benites: Tax
- Diego Serrano Redonnet: Banking & Finance
- Julio Stefanoni Zani: Labour & Employment
- Guillermo E. Quiñoa: Real Estate
- Santiago Daireaux: Corporate and M&A
- P. Eugenio Aramburu: Corporate and M&A
- Luis D. Barry: Competition/ Antitrust; Consumer Law
- L. Marcelo Núñez: Tax
- Enrique A. Betemps: Labour & Employment
- Arnaldo Cisilino: Dispute Resolution
- Francisco J. Romano: Oil & Gas
Next Generation Partners:
- Andrés Galíndez: Customs & International Trade
- Nicole Jaureguiberry: Public Law
Next Generation Lawyer:
- M. Carolina Abdelnabe Vila: Competition/ Antitrust
- Matías Corte: Tax
- Lucila Guerrero: Insurance
- Germán Martín Quirán: Customs & International Trade
Best Employers
Ranked 16th in Apertura Magazine's Best Employers ranking, being the best ranked law firm in the country

Best Employers
For the second year in a row, PAGBAM is included in Apertura Magazine 's ranking "Best Employers". The Firm was placed 16th in the ranking, in the category "companies with up to 200 employees"; being the highest ranked law firm in the country, considering all categories.

Leaders League
PAGBAM has been ranked by Leaders League for the following practice areas:
- Banking & Finance
- Fintech
- Corporate/ M&A
- Competition/ Antitrust
- Private Equity: Startups & Innovation
- Labour
- Tax
PAGBAM Schwencke Chile:
- Banking & Finance
- Competition/ Antitrust
- Real Estate
- Private Equity: Startups & Innovation
- Labour
- Restructuring & insolvency
- Tax
Recognised lawyers:
- Jorge L. Pérez Alati: Corporate/ M&A
- Mariano F. Grondona: Banking & Finance; Corporate/ M&A
- Manuel M. Benites: Tax
- Alan Arntsen: Banking & Finance
- Diego Serrano Redonnet: Banking & Finance; Fintech; Corporate/ M&A
- M. Gabriela Grigioni: Banking & Finance; Fintech
- Santiago Daireaux: Private Equity: Startups & Innovation; Corporate/ M&A
- P. Eugenio Aramburu: Private Equity: Startups & Innovation; Corporate/ M&A
- Luis D. Barry: Competition/ Antitrust
- L. Marcelo Núñez: Tax
- Enrique A. Betemps: Labor
- Arnaldo Cisilino: Fintech
- Julio Lococo: Labor
- Vanina Veiga: Corporate/ M&A
- Andrés M. Galíndez: Tax
- Juan Pablo Schwencke: Tax; Private Equity: Startups & Innovation; Banking & Finance; Real Estate; Labor
- Francisco Prado: Private Equity: Startups & Innovation; Restructuring
- Barbara Neyra: Tax
- M. Carolina Abdelnabe Vila: Competition/ Antitrust
- Sander Van Der Voorde: Competition/ Antitrust
- Constanza Ríos: Labor
- M. Clara Rodríguez Llanos: Competition/ Antitrust
- Martín Casse De Ferari: Inmobiliario
Deal of the Year
Deal of the Year 2021 for Debt Restructuring
Deal of the Year 2018 for Corporate Finance
Deal of the Year
Our restructuring team was part of the legal advisors to the Argentina Creditor Committee in the historic negotiation of Argentina's sovereign debt. The deal was awarded by Latin Lawyer as Deal of the Year 2021.
The Banking & Finance team was awarded by Latin Lawyer with the Corporate Finance Deal of the Year 2018 for the initial public offering of shares of Loma Negra C.I.A.A.S.A., in which we advised the underwriters.
Matter of the Year
The Fiat-Peugeot merger has now been recognized by Global Competition Review as Matter of the Year 2021.
Matter of the Year
Our Antitrust team advised Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. on its merger with Peugeot S.A. into Stellantis N.V., the fourth largest automotive group in the world.
The Fiat-Peugeot merger has now been recognized by Global Competition Review as Matter of the Year 2021.
The Latin American Corporate Counsel Association has selected several of our lawyers as “Approved Counsels” and “Thought Leaders”in Latin America.

PAGBAM has been included in the LACCA (Latin American Corporate Counsel Association) Approved list of recommended lawyers:
In-house clients have selected the following as one of the best lawyers to work with in Latin America:
- Mariano F. Grondona: Banking & Finance
- Manuel Benites: Tax
- Alan Arntsen: Corporate and M&A
- Diego Serrano Redonnet: Banking & Finance
- María Gabriela Grigioni: Capital Markets
- P. Eugenio Aramburu: Corporate and M&A
- Juan Pablo Schwencke: Corporate and M&A
“PAGBAM is a strong all-rounder in the market.”
The International Financial Law Review has selected several of our lawyers as Highly Regarded and Notable Practitioners.

PAGBAM has been ranked by International Financial Law Review for the following practice areas:
- Banking & Finance
- Capital Market: Debt
- Capital Market: Equity
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Project Development
PAGBAM Schwencke Chile
- Mergers & Acquisitions
The following attorneys were recognized as recommended lawyers by International Financial Law Review:
Highly regarded:
- Jorge L. Pérez Alati: Private Equity; M&A
- Mariano F. Grondona: Banking; M&A
- Alan Arntsen: Banking & Finance; M&A
- Diego Serrano Redonnet: Restructuring & Insolvency
- María Gabriela Grigioni: Banking & Finance
- Santiago Daireaux: Private Equity; M&A
- Francisco J. Romano: Project Development
PAGBAM Schwencke Chile
- Juan Pablo Schwencke: Capital Markets; Investment Funds; Project Development; Banking; Project Finance; Private Equity; M&A
Notable practitioner:
- Tomás Fernández Madero
- Alejo Muñóz de Toro

ITR World Tax
PAGBAM has been ranked by ITR World Tax. Our Tax team was mentioned in the following:
- General Corporate Tax
- Indirect Tax
- Tax Controversy
- Transactional Tax
In addition, the following attorneys were ranked:
- Manuel Benites:
- EG Tax Leading Advisor
- WT - Highly Regarded
- L. Marcelo Núñez
- EG Tax Leading Advisor
- WT - Highly Regarded

Best Lawyers
Best lawyers recognized the following attorneys:
- Jorge L. Pérez Alati: Corporate and M&A; Private Equity
- Mariano F. Grondona: Banking & Finance; Capital Markets; Communications; Corporate and M&A; Private Equity
- Manuel Benites: Corporate and M&A; Litigation; Tax
- Alan Arntsen: Banking & Finance; Corporate and M&A
- Diego Serrano Redonnet: Banking & Finance; Capital Markets; Corporate and M&A; Insolvency & Reorganization;
- Julio C. Stefanoni Zani: Labor
- Guillermo E. Quiñoa: Corporate and M&A; Real Estate
- María Gabriela Grigioni: Banking & Finance; Capital Markets
- Luis M. Incera: Arbitration & Mediation; Insolvency & Reorganization; Litigation; Sports
- Santiago Daireaux: Corporate and M&A
- P. Eugenio Aramburu: Corporate and M&A
- Luis D. Barry: Banking & Finance, Competition; Corporate and M&A; Product Liability
- L. Marcelo Núñez: Tax
- Enrique Betemps: Labor
- Fernando Alonso: Intellectual Property
- Julio F. Lago: Intellectual Property
PAGBAM Schwencke Chile
- Juan Pablo Schwencke: Banking & Finance; Corporate and M&A; Private Equity
- Francisco Prado: Capital Markets; Corporate and M&A; Venture Capital
- Bárbara Neyra: Tax
- Sander van der Voorde: Antitrust
Since this Argentinean publication publishes its annual ranking, PAGBAM is always ranked within the first places in different practice areas and in the general ranking.

Since this Argentinean publication publishes its annual ranking, PAGBAM is always ranked within the first places in different practice areas and in the general ranking:
- Banking & Financial Institutions
- Competition/ Antitrust
- Customs Law
- Energy
- Merger & Adquisitions
- Real Estate
Who’s Who Legal
A publication that ranks Global Legal Leaders in several areas of law. WWL identifies the foremost legal practitioners and consulting experts in business law based upon comprehensive, independent research.

Who’s Who Legal
Recommended lawyers
- Jorge L. Pérez Alati: M&A
- Manuel Benites: Corporate Tax - Advisory and Controversy
- Diego Serrano Redonnet: Banking & Finance; Capital Markets - Debt & Equity and Structured Finance; and Fintech
- Luis D. Barry: Competition
- Enrique A. Betemps: Labour & Employment; and Pensions & Benefits
- Julio Lococo: Labor & Employment