
24 October 2024

San Miguel issues Notes Series XI

S.A. San Miguel A.G.I.C.I. y F. (the “Issuer” or “San Miguel”, indistinctively), a world leader in industrial  lemon processing, successfully completed the issuance of series XI notes (the “Series XI Notes”), issued on October 14, 2024, under its global program for the issuance of notes for a par value of up to US$ 250,000,000. The funds obtained from the placement of the Series XI Notes will be applied to the financing of working capital and the refinancing of the Issuer’s short-term liabilities.

Based in the Province of Tucumán, San Miguel is the world leader in the processing of added-value citrus products, accounting for 15% of the global lemon grinding. San Miguel is recognized by more than 200 customers in over 50 countries as a reliable supplier of natural citrus ingredients with high-quality standards.

The Series XI  Notes were issued for a total aggregate amount of US$ 18,037,687 are denominated in U.S. dollars and payable in U.S. dollars  at a fixed annual rate of 9,50%, maturing on October 14, 2026.

Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites & Arntsen advised Banco Santander Argentina S.A. and Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A.U. as arrangers and placement agents, and Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, TPCG Valores S.A.U., Latin Securities S.A., StoneX Securities S.A., Facimex Valores S.A., Invertir en Bolsa S.A., Cohen S.A., Balanz Capital Valores S.A.U., Mills Capital Markets S.A., Adcap Securities Argentina S.A., Puente Hnos. S.A. and Bull Market Brokers S.A., as placement agents.

Legal Advisors to the arrangers and placement agents:

Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites & Arntsen: Partner Diego Serrano Redonnet. Counsel Alejo Muñoz de Toro. Associates Juan Ignacio Rodriguez Goñi and Tamara Friedenberger.

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