
18 February 2025

What's New in Argentina - Special Edition: Privatizations

What's New in Argentina | Special Edition: Privatizations



Privatization of Corredores Viales S.A.

The National Government authorized the process of privatizing Corredores Viales S.A. through Decree No. 97/2025. Additionally, the decree instructed the initiation of a National and International Public Tender to award concessions under the Company's power and other additional corridors. The tender will be conducted under the public works concession regime through toll collection by the Ministry of Economy. The Ministry of Economy will shortly publish the terms and conditions of the tender, and the call for bids. 

The Company is a state-owned entity entrusted with the administration, operation, and oversight of road and highway infrastructure and traffic in Argentina.

In this opportunity, 8,370 kilometers of roads will be concessioned. This will encompass 5,616 km currently managed by Corredores Viales S.A, and additionally, roads that were not previously concessioned, such as RN 33 in Santa Fe, RN 18 in Entre Ríos, and the RN 19 variant in Córdoba. This stage would  be divided into 11 sections.

About the image, please note that the Tramo Oriental and the Tramo Conexión are included in another bidding procedure authorized by Decree No. 28/2025.

Bidding - Storage GBA 500 MW

The Secretariat of Energy, through Resolution SE 67/2025, has authorized the National and International Open Call "Almacenamiento AlmaGBA" for the purpose of entering into Storage Generation Contracts with the distribution agents EDENOR and EDESUR.

This Resolution includes the Bidding Terms and Conditions, the Call Schedule, and the List of Connection Nodes and Allocation Limits.

The Call aims to ensure the reliable supply of electrical energy within the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) by procuring up to 500 MW of electricity from storage generation plants.

According to the published schedule, the submission of bids will take place on May 19, 2025 and requests related to the Bidding Terms and Conditions may be filed until May 4th, 2025.

For further information, please refer to, call (54-11) 4114-3000 or get in touch with us via WhatsApp.

Suipacha 1111 • Piso 18 • C1008AAW • Buenos Aires • Argentina
(54 11) 4114 3000 •

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