
Berola, F. Nicanor

(+54 11) 4114-3096


Mr. Berola focuses primarily on Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate, Energy, Mining and Natural Resources. Nicanor regularly advises domestic and international clients in local and cross-border transactions on corporate and contractual matters. He has represented clients in all stages of several M&A, project finance and corporate investment transactions (primarily in the Mining, Renewable Energy and Oil & Gas industry). 

His practice also extends to the drafting and negotiation of commercial and financial agreements (including, stock purchase agreements, sale and transfer agreements, investment agreements and commercial loans), corporate documents, legal opinions and memoranda. He has conducted and supervised multi-jurisdictional due diligence processes of companies with subsidiaries in the U.S., Europe and Latin America. 


He graduated as a Lawyer from Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) in 2016 and he obtained his Master in Business Administration (MBA) from San Andres University (UDESA). 

Academic & Professional Experience

Mr. Berola joined Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites & Arntsen in May 2022.

In 2016 and 2018 he served as an assistant professor in Securities Chair at the Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA).

Admissions & Affiliations

He is admitted to practice law in Argentina and is a member of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires.

He is an active member of the AIEN -Association of International Energy Negotiators (formerly AIPN)- and of The Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law (formerly Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation).

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