
5 August 2024

Banco Santander Argentina merges with Open Bank Argentina

Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites & Arntsen advised on the merger by absorption of Banco Santander Argentina S.A. (“Banco Santander”), as the absorbing company, and Open Bank Argentina S.A. (“Open Bank”), as the absorbed company (the “Merger”).

The Merger involved the intervention of the Argentine Central Bank (“BCRA” for its spanish acronym), since the merging companies are financial institutions, and of the National Securities Commission, since Banco Santander is an issuer of notes.

The Board of Directors of the BCRA authorized the Merger on February 29, 2024 and the National Securities Commission gave its administrative approval to the Merger on July 12, 2024.

Leonidas Castillo Carrillo, Federico Giovini, Lourdes Penida and Paula de la Serna acted as in-house counsel to Banco Santander and Open Bank.

Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites & Arntsen acted as external legal counsel to Banco Santander and Open Bank through its partner Diego Serrano Redonnet and its associates Nahuel Perez de Villarreal and Mora Mangiaterra Pizarro, with the assistance of its partner Facundo Fernández Santos and its associate María Florencia González Klebs (on tax matters) and partner Vanina Veiga and associate Florencia María Piazzardi (on corporate matters).

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