
22 October 2024

Genneia S.A. issues Class XLVII Green Notes

On October 17th, 2024, Genneia S.A. (“Genneia”) issued the Class XLVII Green Notes denominated and payable in U.S. Dollars (hard dollar), at a fixed annual nominal interest rate of 6.00%, for a nominal value equivalent to US$48,349,695 (the “Class XLVII Notes” or the “Notes”).

The Notes comply with (i) the four main components of the ICMA's (International Capital Market Association) Green Bond Principles 2021 (GBP), (ii) the Guidelines for the Issuance of Social, Green and Sustainable Negotiable Securities in Argentina, as set forth in the Rules of the Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission, and (iii) the Guide to Social, Green and Sustainable Bonds at the Bolsas y Mercados Argentinos S.A. Panel (“BYMA”). In addition, Genneia has a Second Party Opinion issued by Sustainalytics, an external reviewer, confirming that the Genneia’s Green Bond Framework is impactful and aligns with the four main components of the GBP.

TheClass XLVII Notes will mature on October 17th, 2028, date on which the Notes will amortize their principal in full.

The Notes have been admitted for listing in the SVS Panel of BYMA, and authorized for its negotiation in the Mercado Abierto Electrónico S.A.

Moody´s Local AR Agente de Calificación de Riesgo S.A, locally rated the Notes “” with stable outlook (perspectiva estable).

Under this issuance, (i) Macro Securities S.A.U. acted as arranger and placement agent (the “Organizer”); and (ii)Banco Santander Argentina S.A., BACS Banco de Crédito y Securitización S.A., Banco Hipotecario S.A., Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Banco BBVA Argentina S.A., Banco Patagonia S.A., Banco Supervielle S.A., Invertironline S.A.U., Cocos Capital S.A., Banco Mariva S.A., Petrini Valores S.A., and PP Inversiones S.A., acted as placement agents (collectively (i) and (ii), the “Placement Agents”).

Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites & Arntsen: advised the Placement Agents through the team led by partner Diego Serrano Redonnet, counselor Alejo Muñoz de Toro and associates Nahuel Perez de Villarreal and Tamara Friedenberger.

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