
12 March 2025

PAGBAM advised a major Greek bank on the granting of a secured financing

and Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites & Arntsen (“PAGBAM”) advised one of the largest banks in Greece, which is one of the leading groups in the Greek financial sector, on the granting of a secured financing of up to USD 50,000,000.

The loan was granted to Navarra Shipping Corporation, Pelayo Shipping Corporation, HS Tankers Inc., HS South Inc., Delta Naval Trade S.A. and Compañía Naviera Horamar S.A., subsidiaries of Navios Maritime Holdings Inc. (“Navios Subsidiaries”), one of the world's leading global providers of maritime cargo transportation, trading, storage and bulk cargo logistics. It is secured by, among other things, the assignment of rights under charter and management agreements for certain vessels owned by the Navios Subsidiaries.

PAGBAM acted as legal advisor to the Greek bank in Financial and Corporate Law matters under Argentine Law, through its Partner P. Eugenio Aramburu.

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