
Grondona, Mariano F.


+54 11 4114-3044

Spanish - English - French


Mariano F. Grondona is one of the founding partners of PAGBAM.

He is recognized for his general practice, focused on different areas of law, in counseling, transactions and litigation.


Mariano F. Grondona received his law degree from the Universidad Católica Argentina in 1980. He obtained a Masters degree in Comparative Jurisprudence at New York University, School of Law (New York, NY, United States) in 1981.

Academic & Professional Experience

Mariano F. Grondona was associated with Arnold & Porter in Washington, D.C., United States of America (1981‐1982).

After that, he co-funded the Law Firm in 1991.

He is a former syndic and member of the Board of Directors of the Banco Central de la República Argentina (the Argentine Central Bank) and a former member of the Board of Directors of the Administration of National Parks (2016-2017).

Mr. Grondona was a professor of Constitutional Law at the Universidad de Buenos Aires from 1984 through 2011.

He has authored the books “La Reglamentación de los Derechos Constitucionales. Teoría del orden de derechos“, Editorial Depalma, (1986) and contributed to “Constitución y Poder Político“, Editorial Astrea, (1987), “Joint Ventures with International Partners”, Butterworths, (1989), “La Justicia Abierta“, Marymar, (1990). In addition, Mr. Grondona has authored the following articles: “El Funcionamiento de los Tratados de Inversión”, “Exámenes de Constitucionalidad” and several articles published in legal reviews.

Admissions & Affiliations

Mariano F. Grondona is a member of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Sociedad Rural Argentina.

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