
4 July 2019

PAGBAM advised Inversiones Odisea in the issuance of negotiable obligations for Rizobacter Argentina

Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites & Arntsen has advised Inversiones Odisea, a company incorporated under the laws of Chile ("Odisea"), in its capacity as the main underwriter of the senior private note due 2021 of Rizobacer Argentina S.A. (the "Company"), issued in accordance with the Negotiable Obligations Law No. 23,576, as amended, for an aggregate principal amount of US $ 16,000,000 (US Dollars sixteen million) (the "Senior Notes").

On April 5, 2019, the Company successfully issued the Senior Notes at a 10.55%, annual fixed rate, payable in 4 equal and consecutive semi-annual basis, due on April 5, 2021 and completed the private placement as follows:

(i) Series 1 of the Senior Notes, subscribed by Odisea, for an aggregate principal amount of US$ 13,000,000 (US Dollars thirteen thousand million), and

(ii) Series 2 of the Senior Notes, subscribed by Compass Latam High Yield Fondo de Inversión, a Chilean investment fund, managed by Compass Group Chile SA, for an aggregate principal amount of US$ 3,000,000 (US dollars three million).

Legal counsel for Rizobacter S.A.

In-house counsel Gloria Montaron y Facundo Rodenas.

Pérez Alati, Grondona, Benites & Arntsen 

Partners Jorge L. Pérez Alati, Guillermo Quiñoa and María Gabriela Grigioni. Associates Guido Meirovich, Valeria Stemkauskas, Cristian Marcos Chang and Facundo Fernandez Santos.

Read article published in

Read article published in Lex Latin

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