Litigation, Arbitration, Insolvency & Bankruptcy

Our litigation experience covers a full range of contentious matters, including advisory work, negotiation and filings throughout the entire process.

PAGBAM has a strong team in charge of complex litigation and a wide range of legal controversies. Our attorneys are experts in procedural law and are based on the knowledge of specialists in other fields of law to efficiently prepare and defend the interests of our clients.

Our litigation team represents national and international clients from various sectors, such as the real estate and construction industries, communications and the media, banks and other financial services companies, industries, automotive, retail, food and beverage, health care, insurance, oil and gas, energy, technology, transportation and freight, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, NGOs as well as professional services, and Pro Bono.

Our arbitration practice covers a wide range of disputes, including investment arbitration as well as domestic and international commercial arbitration. We advise and represent our clients in relation to the entire dispute resolution process and the design and implementation of the most appropriate legal strategy, which includes the following:

  • Analysis of issues and drafting of conflict resolution clauses;
  • Selection of the appropriate territorial jurisdiction;
  • Selection of arbitrators;
  • Pre-procedural issues (for example, preliminary measures and provisional measures);
  • Arbitration procedures;
  • Parallel procedures or measures (for example, precautionary or anti-arbitration measures);
  • Appeals against arbitration awards;
  • Acknowledgement and enforcement of arbitration awards; and
  • Drafting of conciliation agreements.

PAGBAM has developed an outstanding experience in investment arbitration under the Bilateral Investment Treaties (BIT), representing investors in different areas, such as oil and gas, power generation, power distribution, reinsurance and sovereign bonds.

PAGBAM has extensive practice in international and national commercial arbitration cases, under ICC, AAA/ICDR, LCIA, UNCITRAL and other arbitration regulations.

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